Inelastic Bayes Fitting Testing


ResNorm tab

Time required 3 - 5 minutes

  1. Go to Interfaces > Inelastic > Bayes fitting

  2. Go to the ResNorm tab

  3. With the vanadium combo box set to File click browse and select the file irs26173_graphite002_red from the Usage Data folder

  4. With the resolution combo box set to File click browse and select the file irs26173_graphite002_res from the Usage Data folder

  5. Click Run

  6. This should produce two workspaces with ResNorm and ResNorm_Fit suffixes

  7. Make sure that moving the black sliders in the plot will change the value of EMin and EMax

  8. Change the Preview Spectrum value and the plot should be updated with the corresponding workspace index

  9. Check that the maximum for Preview Spectrum is 9 (the last workspace index in the vanadium workspace)

  10. Check that when clicking Plot Current Preview, it will open a pop-up window with the current preview plot

  11. In the Output Options, select All and click Plot, it should open two plots suffixed with Intensity and Stretch

  12. Plot individual results by selecting other options, it should only open one plot with the selected result

Quasi Tab

Time required 3 - 5 minutes

  1. Go to Interfaces > Inelastic > Bayes fitting

  2. Go to the Quasi tab

  3. Click on Manage Directories and set the default save directory to any location in your machine

  4. With the sample combo box set to File click browse and select the file irs26176_graphite002_red from the Usage Data folder

  5. With the resolution combo box set to File click browse and select the file irs26173_graphite002_res from the Usage Data folder

  6. Click Run

  7. This should produce three workspaces with Fit, Prob and Result suffixes

  8. Make sure that moving the black sliders in the plot will change the value of EMin and EMax

  9. Run the tab with different options in the Fit Options section

  10. Check that the maximum for Preview Spectrum is 9 (the last workspace index in the sample workspace)

  11. Check that when clicking Plot Current Preview, it will open a pop-up window with the current preview plot

  12. In the Output Options, select All and click Plot, it should open three plots with Prob, Amplitude and FWHM data. The Amplitude and FWHM plots will have a title ending in _Result.

  13. Plot individual results by selecting other options, it should only open one plot with the selected attribute

Stretch Tab

Time required 3 - 5 minutes

  1. Go to Interfaces > Inelastic > Bayes fitting

  2. Go to the Stretch tab

  3. Click on Manage Directories and set the default save directory to any location in your machine

  4. With the sample combo box set to File click browse and select the file irs26176_graphite002_red from the Usage Data folder

  5. With the resolution combo box set to File click browse and select the file irs26173_graphite002_res from the Usage Data folder

  6. Click Run

  7. This should produce two workspaces with Stretch_Contour and Stretch_Fit suffixes

  8. Make sure that moving the black sliders in the plot will change the value of EMin and EMax

  9. Run the tab with different settings in the Fit Options section

  10. Check that the maximum for Preview Spectrum is 9 (the last workspace index in the sample workspace)

  11. Check that when clicking Plot Current Preview, it will open a pop-up window with the current preview plot

  12. In the Output Options, select All and click Plot, it should open two plots with Sigma and Beta data

  13. Plot individual results by selecting other options, it should only open one plot with the selected attribute

  14. Click Plot Contour to plot the stretch contour workspace