Error Reporter Testing

Error Reporter test


  • Ensure that Report usage data is checked in the First Time Setup screen

  • Below you will be asked to produce a hard crash (by running the Segfault Algorithm) or a soft crash (bring up an error report pop-up without also closing Mantid, by Loading Training_Exercise3a_SNS.nxs available from the Training Course Data and running the NormaliseToMonitor Algorithm. If one or both of these methods to crash Mantid no longer works, then ask other developers for a suitable method and update these instructions.

  • Make sure the location of this file is included in your search directories. Full instructions are available online.

  • These tests should be run with someone who has access to the error reports database. Please contact the developer managing support before you run these tests.

Time required 10 - 20 minutes

  1. Open MantidWorkbench

  • Cause a crash by running the Segfault algorithm, Workbench should close

  • This should cause an error reporter dialog saying Mantid has thrown an unexpected exception

  • Make sure the hyperlink to the privacy policy works

  • Click the Show More Details button to open the Show More Details dialog. This should show user details such as OS. The python stacktrace should be empty as the Workbench unhandled exception occurred in C++. Close this dialog.

  • Test that the Yes, share information is disabled and the Email box is outlined in red until a valid email (something@something.somthing) is entered in the Email box.

  • In the Name box enter Private and in the Email box enter

  • Input some additional information into the main textbox. Check that the character count label updates as you type, copy paste etc.

  • Check that the character count label changes to red and the button to send the report are disabled if you exceed the character limit.

  • Check that these changes revert when brining the number of characters back within the limit.

  • Input some additional information into the main textbox. Try to include characters that need to be escaped such as "

  • Tick the Remember Me checkbox

  • Click the Don't share any information button

  • Check with the database admin that an error report was not sent.

  1. Open MantidWorkbench

  • Cause a crash by running the Segfault algorithm, Workbench should close

  • This should cause an error reporter dialog saying Mantid has thrown an unexpected exception

  • The private contact details from Test 1 should NOT be displayed and the Remember Me checkbox should NOT be ticked

  • In the Name box enter Public and in the Email box enter

  • Input some additional information into the main textbox. Try to include characters that need to be escaped such as "

  • Tick the Remember Me checkbox

  • Click the Yes, share information button

  • Check with the database admin that an error report was sent WITH the correct name, email and textbox.

  1. Open MantidWorkbench

  • Load the file Training_Exercise3a_SNS.nxs

  • Run the NormaliseToMonitor algorithm

  • This should cause an error reporter dialog saying Mantid has thrown an unexpected exception

  • The shared contact details from test 2 should be displayed and the Remember Me checkbox ticked

  • Make sure the hyperlink to the privacy policy works

  • In the Name box enter Private2 and in the Email box enter

  • Input some additional information into the main textbox. Try to include characters that need to be escaped such as "

  • Make sure the Continue radio button is checked

  • Click the Don't share any information button

  • You should be returned to the main Mantid window

  • Check with the database admin that an error report was not sent.

  1. MantidWorkbench is still open

  • Load the file Training_Exercise3a_SNS.nxs

  • Run the NormaliseToMonitor algorithm

  • This should cause an error reporter dialog saying Mantid has thrown an unexpected exception

  • The shared contact details from test 2 should be displayed and the Remember Me checkbox ticked

  • Click the Show More Details button to open the Show More Details dialog. This should show user details such as OS.

  • Input some additional information into the main textbox. Try to include characters that need to be escaped such as "

  • Leave the Name box EMPTY and in the Email box enter

  • Tick the Remember Me checkbox

  • Make sure the Continue radio button is checked

  • Click the Yes, share information button

  • You should be returned to the main Mantid window

  • Check with the database admin that an error report was sent WITH a name, email, stacktrace and a textbox.

  1. MantidWorkbench is still open

  • Load the file Training_Exercise3a_SNS.nxs

  • Run the NormaliseToMonitor algorithm

  • This should cause an error reporter dialog saying Mantid has thrown an unexpected exception

  • Only the email from test 4 should be displayed in the email box and the Remember Me checkbox ticked.

  • In the Name box enter Public3 and in the Email box enter

  • Input some additional information into the main textbox. Try to include characters that need to be escaped such as "

  • Tick the Remember Me checkbox

  • Make sure the Terminate radio button is checked

  • Click the Yes, share information button

  • Mantid should shut down

  • Check with the database admin that an error report was sent WITH a name, email, stacktrace and a textbox.

  1. Open MantidWorkbench

  • Load the file Training_Exercise3a_SNS.nxs

  • Run the NormaliseToMonitor algorithm

  • This should cause an error reporter dialog saying Mantid has thrown an unexpected exception

  • The shared contact details from test 5 should be displayed and the Remember Me checkbox ticked

  • Close the error reporter and MantidWorkbench

  1. Open your file

  • Add the incorrect rooturl errorreports.rooturl = anywhere in the file (correct url is

  • This will cause the error reporter to fail to send the report

  • Open MantidWorkbench

  • Cause a crash using either of the previous methods

  • Enter a fake email address into the Email box

  • Click the Yes, share information button to send the report

  • A message box should appear informing you that the error report has failed to send

  • Close the message box and the error reporter should stay open

  • Check you can still access the additional information

  • Click the Don't share any information button and close MantidWorkbench

  • Remove the line added to the file

Test the error reporter with any weird and wonderful ideas. Note any problems with Workbench or these testing instructions.

Thanks for testing!!!