Project Recovery Testing

Project Recovery test


  • Before running these tests, open File > Settings > General > Project Recovery and set Enabled to true, Time between recovery checkpoints to 2 seconds and Total number of checkpoints to 5. Further instructions can be found on the Project Recovery concepts page.

  • Download the ISIS sample dataset from the Downloads page.

  • The files INTER000* and SXD23767.raw are in the ISIS sample data.

  • Include the directory containing the test files in your Managed User Directories.

  • Set your facility to ISIS.

  • Set up a save directory to store output for comparison, referred to as testing_directory below.

  • Note that if you have error reporting enabled, simply select Do not share information in the Error Reporter dialog.

  • Restart Workbench to ensure all changes are applied.

Time required 15 - 30 minutes

  1. Simple tests

  • Open MantidWorkbench

  • Right-click in the Messages Box and set Log level to Debug

  • Currently, all that should be printed is Nothing to save

  • Run the following command to create a simple workspace:

CreateWorkspace(DataX=range(12), DataY=range(12), DataE=range(12), NSpec=4, OutputWorkspace='NewWorkspace')
  • The Messages box should now be printing Project Recovery: Saving started and Project Recovery: Saving finished on alternate lines

  • Now run this script:

Load(Filename='INTER00013464.nxs', OutputWorkspace='INTER1')
Load(Filename='INTER00013469.nxs', OutputWorkspace='INTER2')
Load(Filename='INTER00013469.nxs', OutputWorkspace='INTER3')
RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace='INTER2', OutputWorkspace='Rename2')
RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace='INTER1', OutputWorkspace='Rename1')
RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace='INTER3', OutputWorkspace='Rename3')
Fit(Function='name=DynamicKuboToyabe,BinWidth=0.05,' 'Asym=5.83382,Delta=5.63288,Field=447.873,Nu=8.53636e-09', InputWorkspace='Rename1', IgnoreInvalidData=True, Output='Rename1_fit', OutputCompositeMembers=True, ConvolveMembers=True)
Fit(Function='name=ExpDecayMuon,A=4306.05,Lambda=0.458289', InputWorkspace='Rename2', IgnoreInvalidData=True, Output='Rename2_fit', OutputCompositeMembers=True, ConvolveMembers=True)
Fit(Function='name=Abragam,A=-500.565,Omega=944.105,Phi=-2.97876,Sigma=230.906,Tau=5.54415e+06', InputWorkspace='Rename1_fit_Workspace', CreateOutput=True, Output='Rename1_fit_Workspace_1', CalcErrors=True)
Fit(Function='name=Abragam,A=343210,Omega=-91853.1,Phi=-1.51509,Sigma=11920.5,Tau=2.80013e+13', InputWorkspace='Rename2_fit_Workspace', CreateOutput=True, Output='Rename2_fit_Workspace_1', CalcErrors=True)
GroupWorkspaces(InputWorkspaces='Rename1_fit_Workspace_1_Workspace,Rename2_fit_Workspace_1_Workspace', OutputWorkspace='Rename3_fit_Workspaces')
RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace='Rename1_fit_Workspace_1_Workspace', OutputWorkspace='Sequential1')
RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace='Rename2_fit_Workspace_1_Workspace', OutputWorkspace='Sequential2')
Fit(Function='name=ExpDecayMuon,A=4306.05,Lambda=0.458289', InputWorkspace='Rename3', IgnoreInvalidData=True, Output='Rename3_fit', OutputCompositeMembers=True, ConvolveMembers=True)
Fit(Function='name=ExpDecayMuon,A=4306.05,Lambda=0.458289', InputWorkspace='Rename2_fit_Workspace', CreateOutput=True, Output='Rename2_fit_Workspace_1', CalcErrors=True)
Fit(Function='name=ExpDecayMuon,A=4306.05,Lambda=0.458289', InputWorkspace='Rename3_fit_Workspace', CreateOutput=True, Output='Rename3_fit_Workspace_1', CalcErrors=True)
GroupWorkspaces(InputWorkspaces='Rename2_fit_Workspace_1_Workspace,Rename3_fit_Workspace_1_Workspace', OutputWorkspace='Rename3_fit_Workspaces')
RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace='Rename3_fit_Workspace_1_Workspace', OutputWorkspace='Sequential3')
RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace='Rename2_fit_Workspace_1_Workspace', OutputWorkspace='Sequential4')
Fit(Function='name=ExpDecayMuon,A=4306.05,Lambda=0.458289', InputWorkspace='Rename3_fit_Workspace', CreateOutput=True, Output='Rename3_fit_Workspace_1', CalcErrors=True)
Fit(Function='name=ExpDecayMuon,A=4306.05,Lambda=0.458289', InputWorkspace='Rename1_fit_Workspace', CreateOutput=True, Output='Rename1_fit_Workspace_1', CalcErrors=True)
GroupWorkspaces(InputWorkspaces='Rename3_fit_Workspace_1_Workspace,Rename1_fit_Workspace_1_Workspace', OutputWorkspace='Rename3_fit_Workspaces')
RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace='Rename3_fit_Workspace_1_Workspace', OutputWorkspace='Sequential5')
RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace='Rename1_fit_Workspace_1_Workspace', OutputWorkspace='Sequential6')
  • Wait a few seconds, then provoke a crash by executing the Segfault algorithm with DryRun set to False.

  • Restart MantidWorkbench

  • You should be presented with the Project Recovery dialog

  • Choose Yes

  • This should re-populate your workspace dialog and pop up a recovery script in the script window

  1. Testing many workspaces

  • Open up MantidWorkbench

  • Run the following script:

# <path-to-test> is the location of a directory for saving workspaces for comparison later
# e.g. C:\Users\abc1234\Desktop\test_proj_rec\
CreateWorkspace(DataX=range(12), DataY=range(12), DataE=range(12), NSpec=4, OutputWorkspace='0Rebinned')
for i in range(100):
    RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace='%sRebinned'%str(i), OutputWorkspace='%sRebinned'%str(i+1))
for i in range(300):
    CloneWorkspace(InputWorkspace='100Rebinned', OutputWorkspace='%sClone'%str(i))
SaveCSV(InputWorkspace='299Clone', Filename=testing_directory + 'Clone.csv')
  • Wait a few seconds, then provoke a crash by executing the Segfault algorithm

  • Restart MantidWorkbench

  • You should be presented with the Project Recovery dialog

  • Choose Yes

  • This should re-populate your workspace dialog and pop up a recovery script in the script window

  • Run the following script:

SaveCSV(InputWorkspace='299Clone', Filename=testing_directory +'Clone_r.csv')
  • Compare the contents of Clone.csv and Clone_r.csv, they should be the same

  1. Testing workspaces of different types

  • Open up MantidWorkbench

  • Run the following script:

Load(Filename=r'SXD23767.raw', OutputWorkspace='SXD23767')
ConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace(InputWorkspace='SXD23767', OutputWorkspace='SXD23767_MD', OneEventPerBin=False, SplitThreshold=30)
multi_d = RenameWorkspace('SXD23767_MD')
peaks = FindPeaksMD(InputWorkspace='multi_d', PeakDistanceThreshold=0.4, MaxPeaks=10,
        PeakFindingStrategy='NumberOfEventsNormalization', SignalThresholdFactor=10,
        OutputType='Peak', OutputWorkspace='SingleCrystalPeakTable', EdgePixels=1)

long1=CreateMDHistoWorkspace(Dimensionality=2, Extents='-3,3,-10,10', SignalInput=range(0,10000), ErrorInput=range(0,10000),\
                        NumberOfBins='100,100', Names='Dim1,Dim2', Units='MomentumTransfer, EnergyTransfer')

long2=CreateMDHistoWorkspace(Dimensionality=2, Extents='-3, 3, -10, 10', SignalInput=range(0, 10000), ErrorInput=range(0, 10000),\
                        NumberOfBins='100, 100', Names='Dim1, Dim2', Units='MomentumTransfer, EnergyTransfer')
CloneWorkspace(InputWorkspace='long4', OutputWorkspace='Clone')
ConvertMDHistoToMatrixWorkspace(InputWorkspace='Clone', OutputWorkspace='Clone_matrix')
SaveCSV('Clone_matrix' , testing_directory + '/method_test.csv')

DgsReduction(SampleInputFile='MAR11001.raw', IncidentEnergyGuess=12, OutputWorkspace='ws')
Rebin(InputWorkspace='ws', OutputWorkspace='rebin', Params='0.5')
Rebin(InputWorkspace='rebin', OutputWorkspace='rebin', Params='0.6')
Rebin(InputWorkspace='rebin', OutputWorkspace='rebin', Params='0.7')
Rebin(InputWorkspace='rebin', OutputWorkspace='rebin', Params='0.8')
RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace='rebin', OutputWorkspace='renamed')
SaveCSV('renamed', testing_directory + '/rebin_test.csv')

long4 *= 4
long4 += 3.00
ConvertMDHistoToMatrixWorkspace(InputWorkspace='long4', OutputWorkspace='long4_matrix')
SaveCSV('long4_matrix', testing_directory + '/test_binary_operators.csv')
  • Force a crash by executing the Segfault algorithm

  • Restart MantidWorkbench

  • You should be presented with the Project Recovery dialog

  • Choose Yes

SaveCSV('Clone_matrix' , testing_directory + '/method_test_r.csv')
SaveCSV('long4_matrix', testing_directory + '/test_binary_operators_r.csv')
  • Compare the contents of /test_binary_operators.csv and /test_binary_operators_r.csv, they should be the same

  • Compare the contents of /method_test.csv and /method_test_r.csv, they should be the same

  1. Recovering plots and windows

  • Open MantidWorkbench - make sure no other instances of MantidWorkbench are running

  • Run the large script from test 1

  • In the workspace window right-click the Sequential3 workspace and choose Plot spectrum

  • Choose Plot All

  • In the workspace window right-click the Sequential1 workspace and choose Plot spectrum

  • Change Plot type from individual to Tiled, and again click Plot all

  • In the workspace window right-click the Rename2 workspace and select Show Data

  • In the top toolbar, navigate to Interfaces > Reflectometry and open the ISIS Reflectometry interface

  • In the top toolbar, navigate to Interfaces > Diffraction and open the Engineering Diffraction interface.

  • Force a crash by executing the Segfault algorithm

  • Restart MantidWorkbench

  • You should be presented with the Project Recovery dialog

  • Choose Yes

  • Mantid should reload the workspaces and reopen plots and interfaces (including the show data interface). You should see these all reappear in the main screen (they may have been reopened, but minimised).

(Note at time of writing, only ISIS Reflectometry and Engineering Diffraction are supported by Project Save / Recovery)

  1. Test multiple instances of Mantid running

  • Launch 2 instances of MantidWorkbench

  • Run the script on the first instance:

CreateWorkspace(DataX=range(12), DataY=range(12), DataE=range(12), NSpec=4, OutputWorkspace='Instance 1')
  • Run this script on the other instance:

CreateWorkspace(DataX=range(12), DataY=range(12), DataE=range(12), NSpec=4, OutputWorkspace='Instance 2')
  • Crash the first instance of Mantid with Segfault

  • Do not exit the second instance of Mantid

  • Restart MantidWorkbench

  • You should be presented with a Project Recovery dialog, offering to attempt a recovery - choose Yes

  • Instance 1 should appear in the workspace dialog

  1. Opening script only

  • Open MantidWorkbench

  • Run the large script from test 1

  • In the workspace window right-click the Sequential3 workspace and choose Plot spectrum

  • Choose Plot All

  • Force a crash by executing the Segfault algorithm

  • Restart MantidWorkbench

  • You should be presented with the Project Recovery dialog

  • Choose Just open in script editor

  • Mantid should open the script editor, with a script named

  • Run this script, it should repopulate the workspaces dialog, but not open any figures

  1. Not attempting recovery

  • Open MantidWorkbench

  • Run the second script from test 1

  • In the workspace window right-click the Sequential3 workspace and choose Plot spectrum

  • Choose Plot All

  • Force a crash by executing the Segfault algorithm

  • Restart MantidWorkbench

  • You should be presented with the Project Recovery dialog

  • Choose Start mantid normally

  • Mantid should open as normal

  • With the Messages box at Debug level you should see the project saver starting up again

  1. Check old history is purged

  • Open MantidWorkbench

CreateWorkspace(DataX=range(12), DataY=range(12), DataE=range(12), NSpec=4, OutputWorkspace='NewWorkspace')
RenameWorkspace(InputWorkspace='NewWorkspace', OutputWorkspace='Rename2')
  • Save the workspace as a .nxs file, by highlighting the Rename2 workspace and selecting Save Nexus at the top of the Workspaces toolbox.

  • Close Mantid normally

  • Restart MantidWorkbench

  • Re-open the workspace from the saved .nxs file

  • Wait for saving

  • Force a crash by executing the Segfault algorithm

  • Restart MantidWorkbench

  • Choose Just open in script editor

  • Mantid should open a script named in the script editor

  • This should contain only the Load command and no previous history (to see full history, run the script, right-click on the workspace and select Show History)

Finally, test out a few ideas of your own. Note that some more niche aspects of plotting are not saved, such as 3D plots, and Sliceviewer is also not supported by project save/recovery.

Complete! Thank you for testing! Make sure to raise any issues you found on Github.