DGS Reduction Testing

Set up

  • Ensure you have the MLZ Sample Data available on your machine.

  • Open Interfaces -> Direct -> DGS Reduction.

  • Click on Tools -> Choose instrument.

  • Set Facility to MLZ and Instrument to TOFTOF.

  • TOFTOF Reduction interface should appear on the screen.

Data search directory

  • Specify path to the folder with Sample Data.

Inputs section

  • In Vanadium runs enter 12:14.

  • In Van. comment enter Van_res. Keep EC factor to be 1.000. Leave T (K) empty.

  • In Empty can runs enter 15:17. Change EC factor to 0.9. Leave T (K) empty.

Binning section

  • Energy and Q should be on.

  • Set Energy start value to -6.000, step to 0.01, and end to 1.8.

  • Set Q start value to 0.400, step to 0.1, and end to 2.

Options section

  • Check Subtract empty can from vanadium.

  • Normalise to monitor.

  • Correct TOF vanadium.

Data table section

  • First row: Type 27:29 in Data runs column and H2O_21C in Comment.

  • Second row (will appear once some input is provided in the first row): Type 30:31 in Data runs column and H2O_34C in Comment.

Data reduction

  • Click Reduce button to start the data reduction.

  • 4 workspace groups and 2 workspaces will appear in the Workspaces panel of Workbench. If default workspace prefix ws was used, the final results can be found in the workspace group called gwsDataSQW, under workspaces named ws_H2O_21C_sqw and ws_H2O_34C_sqw.

Visualise results

  • Select e.g. the workspace ws_H2O_21C_sqw in gwsDataSQW workspace group.

  • To plot the data, click the right mouse button and select Show Slice Viewer.

Save reduction parameters

  • Return to the TOFTOF Reduction GUI.

  • Click on File -> Save As -> TOFTOF_reduction. This will save the parameters of data reduction to a TOFTOF_reduction.xml file.

  • Click on File -> New Reduction to remove the selected parameters.

  • Click on File -> Open -> proceed to the folder with the saved xml file -> Select TOFTOF_reduction.xml. This should load the pre-saved parameters.

  • Click Reduce button to re-do the data reduction.