Filter Events Interface Testing


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Filter Events

Time required: 10-15 minutes

  1. Open Interfaces > Utility > Filter Events

  2. Browse for file ‘CNCS_7860_Event.nxs’ from the Usage Data set.

  3. Click Load. After a few seconds, plot should be updated with a graph of summed up Counts vs.Time.

  4. _Summed_.. workspace should be generated on the ADS, as well as CNCS_7860_Event workspace.

  5. Clicking on the Refresh button should update the drop-down list with the name of the loaded workspace.

  6. Check Vertical Range Sliders work properly. You can’t cross the sliders.

  7. Check Horizontal Range Sliders work properly. You can’t cross the sliders.

  8. Check that the Text Edits for Starting Time and Stopping Time work correctly:

    • Position of vertical bars on the plot are updated appropriately when changing the numerical value of the edits and pressing Enter.

    • Setting a value on Starting Time larger than the current value on Stopping Time is not allowed, and viceversa.

    • Data Validation is working, you can’t set non-numeric characters on the edits.

    • A red label with information is displayed on top of the plot whenever the input validation is wrong.

  9. Clicking anywhere on the plot raises a dialog with the (x,y) position clicked on the graph.

  10. On Output Name write FilteredTemp.

  11. On Sample Log drop-down menu select SampleTemp and hit on Plot button. Plot should update with the temperature log for the run vs. time.

  12. Moving vertical range sliders updates Minimum Value and Maximum Value text edits.

  13. Move the upper vertical range slider to be at approximately 279.95 degrees and the lower vertical range slider to be at approximately 279.91 degrees.

  14. Click on Filter button. That should generate several workspaces in the ADS. Two table workspaces ending with _info, _splitters and a group workspace named FilteredTemp containing one event workspace named FilteredTemp_0, as well as a TOFCorrTable 2D workspace.

  15. Right-click on FilteredTemp_0 and select Show Sample Logs. On Sample Log Window, check the SampleTemp entry and make sure the temperature range is approximately the same as selected with the sliders in the interface.

  16. Back to the filter events interface, click on the Refresh button. The drop-down list should refresh with the available event workspaces on the ADS (CNCS_7860_Event and FilteredTemp_0).

  17. Select FilteredTemp_0 and click on Use button. Plot should update accordingly.

  18. On output name write FilteredTime, on Starting Time text edit write 80 and then press Enter. On Stopping Time text edit write 100 and press Enter.

  19. Select Filtered by Time tab and on Time Interval text edit write 10. Then click on Filter button. Two table workspaces ending with _info, _splitters and a group workspace named FilteredTime containing two event workspaces named FilteredTime_0 and FilteredTime_1 appear on ADS.

  20. Double-click on FilteredTemp_0_info table workspace. The table should contain two rows, indicating two time intervals of approximately 10 seconds each, and the corresponding workspace group index.

  21. Back to the filter events interface, without changing anything else from previous interaction, go to Advanced Setup tab and tick the Fast Log checkbox. Go back to Filter by Time and click on Filter button again. Workspace ending in _splitters should be a 2D workspace, all other workspaces should remain the same.

  22. Now on Algorithms select FilterEvents algorithm and click on Execute. As InputWorkspace select FilteredTemp_0 workspace. On Splitter workspace select FilteredTemp_0_splitters, and on Information Workspace select FilteredTemp_0_info. Tick on GroupWorkspaces checkbox. And name the OutputWorkspaceBaseName as FilteredTimeRedux.

  23. Run the algorithm with Group Workspaces checked. On the ADS, a new group event workspace named FilteredTimeRedux should appear. The two event workspaces that it contains should be equal to the two event workspace previuosly generated through the interface, FilteredTime_0 and FilteredTime_1.

  24. Back to the Filter Events interface. Click on Refresh button again, and make sure it updates with the list of all event workspaces on the ADS.