Eclipse on Ubuntu¶
1. Follow the getting started guide and building with cmake, but stop before actually using cmake to build the project.
2. Install the JRE by running sudo apt-get install default-jre
Installing Eclipse¶
1. Install Ubuntu-Make
run the following in terminal
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ubuntu-make
This will add the umake repository to the list of repositories then install umake
2. Install eclipse using Umake
run the following in terminal
umake ide eclipse-cpp
leave the installation path to the default
3. add eclipse to the path so it can be run from command line
run the following in terminal
gedit .bashrc
then scroll to the bottom of the file and add
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/eclipse-cpp-folder/
then save and exit gedit, and restart terminal.
type eclipse into command line, it should open.
4. Install gdb by running
sudo apt install gdb
Building with CMake¶
1. from the pre-requisites section, you should already have installed/setup everything to the point where you are ready to run CMake, create two folders, one for debugging in eclipse “eclipseDebug” and one for quick test runs EclipseTest
Enter eclipseDebug and run
then enter eclipseTest and run
open eclipse, leaving your workspace as it is, then go to File>Import>General>Existing Projects into Workspace
and then click next
click browse and find eclipseDebug folder and then add it to eclipse
select Project>Build All
4. navigate to Run>Run Configurations>C/C++ Application then create a new launch configuration. on the Main tab ensure the correct project is selected then under C/C++ Application click browse and navigate to /bin/MantidWorkbench
Suggested Plugins¶
To install these plugins, run eclipse, Select Help>Eclipse Marketplace and install them from there.
Eclox: Eclipse plugin for Doxygen.
cppStyle: ClangFormat tool as a code formatter.