C++ Coding Standards¶
The C++ Programming Language (third edition), Bjarne Stroustrup
Mantid follow the LLVM C++ coding standards and standards on this page. Where these standards overlap the standards on this page take precedence.
This page describes a tool that you may find useful for checking your code satisfies LLVM whitespace conventions. It’s also useful to set up your text editor to use two spaces instead of tabs.
Header files will use the
extension.Code body files will use the
file extension.All
files must have a corresponding.h
Header Files¶
All header files in a project must have a header comment. In many cases this will be included as part of the class header, but any header files that do not contain classes must include the same information as a file header. The information that must be included is:
class description
GPL license text
Layout of Header File¶
The contents of the header file should be arranged in the following order:
#pragma once
header guard to prevent duplicate imports.#include
directives in the following order, where each section shold be sorted alphabetically:Main Module Header
Mantid Headers from the same project
Mantid headers from other projects
3rd party library headers
Any required namespace(s)
Forward declarations of other classes
Global constants, enumerations & typedefs
Doxygen class description
Class definition:
Public constants, enumerations & types
Public constructors & destructors
Public functions & operators
Protected functions
Private constants, enumerations & types
Private functions
Private variables
Bodies of inline functions and (for a template class) member functions.
In most cases header files should only contain a single class. The only exceptions to this should be for internal utility classes, and extremely small highly related classes such as exception classes.
CPP file Headers¶
We will not be including body file headers. The relevant class file
header in the .h
file will suffice.
Function headers¶
These will follow the style put forward in the Doxygen documentation. Headers comments must be included above all functions definitions and should describe the function, all parameters and returns values as a minimum.
Where a function is declared in the header file and defined in the
file the following approach should be taken:
The header file need only contain documentation for items that do not appear in a
file (e.g. the class itself, member variables, inlined methods and templated classes). This keeps the header files compact and easier to read. Brief comments can optionally be included (as in the example below).
Example header file function declaration
/// Creates an instance of an algorithm
IAlgorithm* createAlgorithm(const std::string& algName, const int& version);
Example CPP file function definition
/** Creates and initialises an instance of an algorithm
* @param algName The name of the algorithm required
* @param version The version of the algorithm
* @return A pointer to the created algorithm
* @throw NotFoundError Thrown if algorithm requested is not registered
IAlgorithm* FrameworkManagerImpl::createAlgorithm(const std::string& algName, const int& version) {
IAlgorithm* alg = AlgorithmManager::Instance().create(algName,version).get();
return alg;
Naming Conventions¶
Names should be descriptive and meaningful, but not too long (say <20 characters). This is helped by sensible and consistent (across the project) use of abbreviations.
Constants (including static const members): All upper case. Internal words separated by underscore eg:
Classes, namespaces, structs, enums (and enum values) and typedefs: PascalCase (First letter upper case, then lower case. Internal words begin with upper case letter).
Function Names: function names will be in camelCase (starting with a lower case character and capital for each later word).
Variable Names / Type Prefixes: variables will be given sensible descriptive names. Type prefixes will not be used. variable names in Mantid are usually camelCase (starting with a lower case character and capital for each later word).
- Scope Prefixes
Static member variables use a
prefix.Non-static member variables use an
Local variables used as integer loop counters As an exception, these may use very short names like
i, j, k, l
eg.for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Use of the pre-processor should be minimised. Constants and type aliases should be declared using
rather than#define
, and functions should be used in favour of macros.#include
statements should use quotes (""
) for inclusion of Mantid code and angle brackets (<>
) for system files (this includes headers fromThird_Party
)All header files should have guards against repeated inclusion, with the guard flags named consistently. (See here for an explanation)
Header files should only include those other header files within the project that are necessary (e.g. for definition of the base class). In many cases a forward declaration of the form
class CPidClientObject;
is sufficient, and this helps to avoid cyclical inclusions of headers.It should be possible to compile each header file individually. That is, a file consisting solely of
#include "header.h"
should compile without errors. This avoids undocumented interdependencies between headers.
Classes and Namespaces¶
There should be only one class or namespace declared in each header file. This recommendation should only be relaxed where classes are closely tied together.
Namespaces should use the C++-17 nested specifier e.g. namespace A::B{}
There should be only one class or namespace defined per body file (unless classes are closely tied as in (1) above). All the definitions for that class/namespace should be in the one file (unless this yields a source file that is unmanageably large).
Data members should be private. Access to data from other classes should only be through protected or public methods (or by ‘friends’, but see item 8). Inside a large class, consider reserving direct access to private data members for a smaller manageable core of member functions.
All constructors for a class must initialise all its member variables that do not have a default constructor (including primitive and pointer types).
All base classes must have a virtual destructor.
This may be disregarded only in exceptional circumstances when the overhead of a virtual-table would significantly affect performance. Such a class must not be subclassed, and must be adequately commented to warn other developers against subclassing the class.
In addition, it is recommended that where possible, programming techniques are used to prevent inheritance of classes with a non-virtual destructor. While comments may suffice they can easily be ignored or misunderstood, particularly by inexperienced developers
Classes’ constructors and destructors must not call their own virtual member functions, directly or indirectly. (C++ does not resolve such function calls polymorphically.)
Do not define special members functions when they would be identical to those automatically generated by the compiler. Use
= delete
to remove invalid compiler-generated versions. Consider following the rule-of-zero and writing an additional class for resource management.The use of
should be avoided and its use requires justification. As an exception, overloads of the<<
operators for serialising the class may be declared asfriend
.Use of multiple inheritance should be restricted to cases in which the second and subsequent base classes are all interfaces. (An interface in this context is a class consisting only of pure virtual functions.).
Virtual inheritance should only be used when the base class involved is an interface.
Unions and bitfields should only be used where essential for performance, or where required for interfacing with a third party library.
Mantid Namespaces¶
All Mantid code lives within a minimum of a two tiered namespace. The outer namespace for all Mantid code is Mantid, and this is followed by a namespace identifying the library that contains the code. Third and further level namespaces may be used to section code to further improve readability and maintenance.
Functions and Variables¶
Variables, functions parameters, and function return values must have explicit types (no defaulting to
).A function declaration should not use
to indicate an empty parameter list.Parameters in function prototypes should include names, not just their types. For example, use
void eraseRange(int nFirst, int nLast);
rather thanvoid eraseRange(int, int);
as this improves self-documentation.Non-static member functions should be declared
if logically they do not alter the state of the class instance.Simple accessor functions may be inline (e.g.
inline int getCount() const { return m_nCount;}
). Otherwise, inline functions should be avoided unless essential for performance.Operators should be overloaded sparingly. Operator overloads should behave in accordance with the semantics of the operator as applied to primitive types, or according to established conventions (e.g.
for serialisation).‘Magic numbers’ must not be used in the code. Constants and enumerations must be used instead.
Expressions and Statements¶
Integers should not be cast to Booleans. For example, prefer
if (x != 0)
rather thanif(x)
The new style type casting must be used in place of the old C style type casts. If casting up or down an inheritance hierarchy, use
(which performs a run-time type check) rather thanstatic_cast
.Function calls with side effects, and the
/assignment operators, should only be called as a standalone statement rather than embedded inside an expression.It is permissible, although discouraged, to have a function call with side effects as the right-operand of
. Any such instances must be commented in detail to alert other developers to the fact that the function is not always called.
loop should only have one control variable, and should not modify it in the body.switch
statements must include adefault
clause, even if only to catch errors.Each
of aswitch
statement must either end with abreak
, or contain a clear comment to alert other developers to the fact that execution will fall through to the next case. Multiplecase
labels (with no code between them) are, however, permitted for the same block of code.goto
must be avoided. When there is a need to break out of two or more nested loops in one go, the loops should be moved to a separate function where ‘return’ can be used instead.
Error Handling¶
The type of error handling needed depends on what the code is doing. In daemon / service type of program almost nothing may be allowed to cause the process to terminate, whereas in some utility programs it may be acceptable to terminate for many error conditions. This is a design issue and the strictness of application of the following should take into account the use of the code.
The developer should identify all errors that can be generated by a function and ensure that they are dealt with appropriately at some point in the system. This may be within the function itself or higher up in the call stack.
All exceptions must be caught and handled properly. (This may include terminating the program cleanly, for instance if no more memory can be allocated.)
Public functions should check their input parameters before using them. This checking may be made using the
macro or similar mechanism, and so only checked in the debug build, in which case comprehensive testing must be performed of the release build.All error status values returned from a function call must be checked or explicitly ignored. (To explicitly ignore a function call’s return value cast it to void, e.g.
(void) f(a, b);
)When using
on a pointer, a check must be made that the result is notnull
(i.e. that the cast was successful).Destructors must not throw any exceptions, directly or indirectly. (Exceptions encountered while calling destructors during stack unwinding from an earlier exception will cause immediate program termination.)
Where the language permits it, and where the occurrence of errors can be identified at coding time (e.g. opening a file), errors should be trapped on an individual basis, rather than using a catch-all error handler.
Error messages displayed to the user must be understandable and informative. They must suggest an action to the user, which will resolve the problem, for example:
No further action is required.
Check the XYZ input data and then repeat the process.
Contact the system administrator.
Cppcheck analyses all C++ code in the project to locate undefined behavior and poor coding practices. Updates to Cppcheck result in such a large number of these potential problems being found that it is impractical to solve them all in the Pull Request where the update takes place.
Suppressions File¶
When Cppcheck is updated, a suppressions file will be created using the
suppressions file generator script, generate_cppcheck_suppressions_list.py
This file, CppCheck_Suppressions.txt.in
, contains a list of all the problems
that Cppcheck found in the codebase. It has two functions:
Suppress all errors for problems that are known to be entirely or almost-entirely false positives.
Act as a to-do list for any remaining problems that should be fixed when found during normal development.
When modifying a .cpp
file, it is likely that changes in line numbers will
cause once-suppressed errors to trigger again. Similar to the rules in
C++ Code Modernization Guidelines, these issues should be fixed as part of the same unit
of work that revealed them.
Suppressing False Positives¶
Occasionally Cppcheck will incorrectly identify problems that cannot or should not be fixed.
In order to allow the suppressions file to function as a to-do list of fixes and to reduce developer time spent looking for solutions that have already been considered, false positives should be suppressed inline.
Inline suppressions must be accompanied by a comment explaining why the problem was suppressed rather than fixed. This comment also allows future developers to determine if the suppressions can be removed when the code around them changes.
Reviewers and gatekeepers should give these comments additional attention.
Inline suppressions are a last resort. You should be sure that a suppression cannot be fixed by modifying the code before suppressing it using the techniques below.
Suppressing a single line of code:
// cppcheck-suppress arrayIndexOutOfBounds
sizeFourArray[5] = 0;
Suppressing multiple errors on a single line:
// cppcheck-suppress [arrayIndexOutOfBounds,zeroDiv]
sizeFourArray[5] = 1 / 0;
Suppressing multiple lines:
// cppcheck-suppress-begin arrayIndexOutOfBounds
sizeFourArray[5] = 0;
sizeFiveArray[5] = 1;
// cppcheck-suppress-end arrayIndexOutOfBounds
Sufficient commenting (to the level mandated by this document) of a piece of code must be performed at the same time as the code is written. It must not be put off until the end of development. When code is updated, all relevant comments must be updated as well (including those in the header).
‘Dead code’ must not be kept in the source code. (‘Dead code’ here means code that has been commented out or unconditionally suppressed in some other way, for example using
#if 0
preprocessor directives.)In the (rare) instances that dead code would serve an important documentation purpose for ongoing development, the dead code must be placed in an external location and may be referenced from the ‘live’ source code.
Comments must be indented to the same level as the code to which they refer.
The language used in comments must be professional and to the point. Flippant or derogatory remarks must be avoided.
The collection of comments in a function must, on its own, be sufficient that a competent C++ developer can pick up the function for subsequent development.
Comments on a single line should use
rather than/* … */
.No code block should exceed 20 statement lines without a comment of some sort. In general all code should contain 15% comment lines.
The style of the comments is not mandated here. However the following are general recommendations:
Comments should always be used to describe potential “difficult” sections of code utilising, for example, special algorithms
Comments should be used in particular to explain branch conditions in
if ... else
andswitch { case ...
-like statementsComments should be written at a higher level of abstraction than the code to which they pertain, rather than merely restating it