Python Algorithms in External Projects

It can be useful to create mantid algorithms that are kept in an external project. This is especially the case for processing that is specific to a single instrument or novel technique. To use algorithms distributed this way, one needs to register them with the mantid.api.AlgorithmFactory and create wrappers so they can be called as python functions. There are two techniques to accomplish this


Inside the user’s properties file, one can set a directory property to add the location of the additional python algorithms to the variable. During initialization of the mantid framework, all files that are within this directory or a subdirectory will be parsed and algorithms will be added to the AlgorithmFactory. This is the preferred method.

Create function wrapper at runtime

An alternative method is to create the function wrappers within the extension code itself after the mantid framework has been initialized. The example below is modified from the shiver project.

from mantid.api import AlgorithmFactory
from mantid.simpleapi import _create_algorithm_function


# Puts function in simpleapi globals
makeslices = MakeSFCorrectedSlices()
_create_algorithm_function("MakeSFCorrectedSlices", 1, makeslices)
del makeslices, _create_algorithm_function

This creates the function wrapper in the mantid.simpleapi namespace when the file containing these lines is parsed. Unlike the method of instructing mantid to parse the files, this requires actively importing the file containing the extra instructions before the algorithm is available.