
Tables are useful way to display a set of related options to a user. To add a table widget to a GUI the following lines need to be added to the __init__ function of the view:

from qtpy.QWidgets import QTableWidget

self._table = QTableWidget(self)

The first line creates the widget. The second and third lines determine the size of the table. The fourth line adds it to the layout.

To add (non-editable) labels to the table, we first need the following imports at the top of the file:

from qtpy.QtCore import Qt

We then need to add this code to the __init__ function:

from qtpy.QWidgets import QTableWidgetItem

text = QTableWidgetItem(("test"))
row = 0
col = 0
self._table.setItem(row, col, text)

row = 1
text2 = QTableWidgetItem(("another test"))
self._table.setItem(row, col, text2)

row = 0
col = 1
self._table.setCellWidget(row, col, self._combo)
row = 1
self._table.setCellWidget(row, col, self._spin)

The first line creates a widget with the label test and the second flag ensures that a user cannot edit the value. The label is added to the table with the setItem function.

A useful feature of tables is that they can contain a widget within one of the cells. The last five lines of the above code adds a ComboBox and spin box to the table. It is important to note that the widgets will now only appear within the table.