ISIS Energy Transfer Tab

The ISIS Energy Transfer tab uses the MVP pattern for its implementation. The code has undergone a refactoring process from a single class structure to an MVP pattern, aimed at enhancing modularity, testability, readability, and clear separation of concerns. The user interface (UI) components are divided into three distinct classes: a view, a model, and a presenter. This documentation will provide insights into the design choices made for each class and suggest potential areas for future improvements. The GUI Standards documentation is used as a guideline for writing the code.

ISIS Energy Transfer Data

ISISEnergyTransferData contains immutable data classes and constants that facilitate communication among the view, presenter, and model components for the ISIS Energy Transfer tab. The classes only provide getters to prevent data modification, ensuring the stability and integrity of the communication process.

ISIS Energy Transfer view

The ISIS Energy Transfer View ISISEnergyTransferView follows the GUI Standards by being a simplistic component with minimal business logic. Its functions define the interface for interacting with UI elements. Key functionalities done by the view include:

UI Data Getters

These functions are used to fetch data from the view. For example, getRunData returns IETRunData object that contains the values of algorithm parameters. These functions should be constant and their responsibility is get the values of the UI elements.

UI data setters

The responsibility of these functions is to edit the values of different UI elements. Ideally, these functions perform value assignment only, avoiding any logical operations. An example is setDetailedBalance, which assigns the detailed balance value in the UI.

UI validators

Data validation ideally should be done in the model. However, there are several cases where the validation cannot be done in the model. Functions like isRunFilesValid, validateCalibrationFileType, and validateRebinString are used to validate for such purposes.

Communication with the Presenter

Communication between the view and presenter follows an observer pattern to ensure decoupling from QT dependencies. The observer pattern implementation relies on the IETViewSubscriber interface, serving as a common subscriber interface. The view maintains a subscriber, typically the presenter. In future iterations, multiple subscribers might be notified concurrently. Subscribed functions are invoked through view slots. For instance, the slot pbRunFinished triggers the notifyRunFinished function in the subscriber.

Future improvements

  • Where feasible, shift validation functions to the model.

  • Refactor setDefaultInstrument and includeExtraGroupingOption because there are doing some logic.

ISIS Energy Transfer Presenter

The ISIS Energy Transfer Presenter IETPresenter orchestrates communication between the view and model. This class implements the IETViewSubscriber interface to manage events coming from the view. The presenter constructs both the view and model. The presenter undertakes the following responsibilities:

ISIS Energy Transfer algorithm

The presenter is involved in executing the core algorithm of the tab ISISIndirectEnergyTransfer. Functions such as validate ensure the algorithm parameters are valid. notifyRunClicked serves as the event handler for algorithm execution when a run click event happens. In addition, algorithmComplete does post-algorithm processing operations.


Similar to the algorithm execution, the presenter manages data plotting. The function notifyPlotRawClicked responds to the plot button click, while plotRawComplete manages post-plotting tasks.

Dependency on IndirectDataReductionTab

Currently, IETPresenter implements IndirectDataReductionTab which does some UI logic, additionally coupled to QT. The presenter should not have a dependency on QT but the current presenter is using this interface to adapt with the legacy code. This is the first tab to be refactored in the window. After refactoring all the tabs, the common interface IndirectDataReductionTab should be refactored.

Future improvements

  • UI validation in validate could be moved to the model where possible.

  • Add unit tests for the presenter

ISIS Energy Transfer Model

The model is the place where the logic should be implemented. It defines the interface to work with algorithms and other operations. The model doesn’t have a reference to the view and should be independent of the UI framework. In the current implementation, IETMdoel is the model of the tab.

ISIS Indirect Energy Transfer Wrapper

ISISIndirectEnergyTransfer is the main algorithm in the tab. Various functions manage operations related to algorithm execution. A series of setters configure algorithm parameters. validateRunData employs IETDataValidator to validate algorithm parameters. Execution of the algorithm takes place within runIETAlgorithm post validation and parameters configuration.


In addition, the second responsibility for the model is to plot the data. validatePlotData uses IETDataValidator to validate the parameters of the plotting. The plotting occurs in plotRawFile which validates and then plots the data.


Saving the files is also handled in the model. The saveWorkspace function calls different save operation depending on the file format type (e.g. Nexus file).


Grouping is also done in the model. groupWorkspaces groups the workspace based on the selected type of grouping.

Model utils files

The ISISEnergyTransferModelUtils file contains several utility functions assisting the model, including loading sample logs and constructing grouping strings.

Model tests

Model unit tests are defined in ISISEnergyTransferModelTests. Currently, the unit tests cover many functions in the model but ideally it should cover all of the functions.

Future improvements

  • plotRawFile should be refactored. Currently, it is a big functions that run a lot of algorithms.

  • Add unit tests for plotRawFile, save, and groupWorkspaces functions.