Doxygen Setup

Unix Console Doxygen Setup

Check for

You may well already have doxygen installed but is it most likely in your systems repositories. If not, build from source here.

Run cmake

CMake will genereate the doyxgen config file in ${CMAKE_DIR}/Framework/Doxygen/Mantid.doxyfile

You’re done!
  • Type ‘make doxygen’

  • This will run doxygen, showing the output in the console. You may want to pipe warnings to a file to make them easy to read later: ‘make doxygen 2> doxygen_errors.log’

  • The documentation will go into a subdir doxygen/html of the directory where cmake was run from.

Visual Studio Doxygen Setup

Install doxygen binaries

Download the Windows binaries and install them. I’ll assume in the following you installed doxygen in c:program filesdoxygen

Rerun CMake

Run cmake for the build to ensure that the Mantid.doxyfile is created

Add VC++ Tool: “DoxyGen”

  • ToolsExternal Tool then click Add

  • Title: &DoxyGen

  • Command: C:Program FilesDoxygenbindoxygen.exe

  • Arguments: “$(SolutionDir)FrameworkDoxygenMantid.doxyfile” (include the quotes!)

  • Initial Directory: $(SolutionDir)Build

  • Check the “Use output window” box

Add VC++ Tool: “view DoxyGen”

  • ToolsExternal Tool then click Add

  • Title: &View DoxyGen

  • Command your favorite browser, e.g. C:program Filesinternet Exploreriexplore.exe or C:Program Files (x86)GoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe

  • Arguments: “$(SolutionDir)doxygenhtmlindex.html”

  • Initial Directory: leave empty

You’re done! Try! “DoxyGen”

  • Choose Tools/DoxyGen from the menu, and watch the magic happen (DoxyGen will log it’s progress and complaints to the output window). Clicking on a warning message will take you to the location in the code of the warning.

  • Choose Tools/View DoxyGen to explore the documentation.

  • The “Main Page” is probably rather boring. Click on “Namespaces” in the menu line to browse your classes etc.

Eclipse Doxygen Setup

Check for doxygen

You may well already have doxygen installed, but if not you can install it at the same time as the plugin below via the update site

Run cmake

This will generate the doxygen config file in ${CMake_DIR}/Framework/Doxygen/Mantid.doxygen

Install Eclipse plugin: “Eclox”

  • Eclox is a frontend plugin for Eclipse.

  • Install it using the Eclipse Update Manager

  • To do this go to Help -> Software Updates…

  • Select the ‘Available Software’ tab then the ‘Add Site…’ button

  • Enter as the location

  • Eclipse will add the site to the list and you can open the tree to select and install Eclox

You’re done! Try!

  • You’ll now have a ‘build doxygen’ button in your toolbar (a blue ‘@’)

  • The first time you click it you’ll be prompted for the configuration file. Point it at ${CMake_DIR}/Framework/Doxygen/Mantid.doxygen

  • This will run doxygen, showing the output in the console and adding warnings symbols on the source files (as for compilation warnings). Hovering over these will show the warning.

  • The documentation will go into a subdir doxygen/html of the directory where cmake was run from.