Building with CMake

CMake is the build system for the entirety of Mantid (Framework, MantidQt and MantidWorkbench). It is used to generate native build files for your platform, which can be Makefiles (for use with make, nmake or jom) for command line builds or project/solution files for an IDE (e.g. Visual Studio, Eclipse, Qt Creator, XCode). For a “how is it used version” of this guide, look at the scripts used on the builservers for windows or linux/osx.


The getting started page describes how to set up your environment to build Mantid. Follow those instructions and install the Mantid dependencies first.

Also, if you use the Ninja generator then the executable is called ninja-build on many systems (e.g. RHEL) rather than ninja.


Mantid is configured to use the ccache tool if it is available. It is highly recommended that this be used on Linux/macOS systems, and Windows when using a Ninja generator. CCache is installed within your conda environment, and CMake is configured to automatically use it when building.

With your conda environment activated, run ccache --max-size=20G to increase the size of the cache.

If you’re build with ccache exhibits warnings that are not usually present then try setting the ccache --set-config=run_second_cpp="true" config option (or set CCACHE_CPP2=yes environment variable on older versions).

Network Drives

The default location for the cache directory is $HOME/.ccache on Linux/macOS, and $HOME/AppData/Roaming/ccache on Windows. If you’re home directory is on a network-mounted drive then the location of this cache be moved to provide the best performance. On newer versions of ccache run ccache --set-config=cache_dir=PATH_TO_CACHE. Older versions (<3.2) do not allow this and must fall back to setting the CCACHE_DIR environment variable in your shell profile.

Configuring your build

CMake encourages the use of ‘out of source’ builds. This means that all generated files are placed in a separate directory structure to the source files. This separation makes a full clean easier (you just delete everything) and means that you can have different types of build (Release, Debug, different compiler versions, ….) in separate places (N.B. For Visual Studio & XCode, you can still select the type of build from within the IDE).

CMake generators

CMake has a variety of generators available. It is suggested that one select the generator that is most appropriate for the IDE/toolchain being used. On linux, there is a large benefit to selecting the -GNinja generator as it is faster at evaluating what targets to rebuild. Using an extra generator will, for example, configure qtcreator files with ninja as the underlying build tool.

From the command line

  • If wanting an out of source build, create the directory you want to build in and cd into it.

  • On Windows, you may need to be in a Visual Studio Command Prompt.

  • Run cmake /path/to/Mantid, or to /path/to/Mantid/Framework if you only want a build of the Framework (typically not recommended, but possible nonetheless). This will generate build files using the default generator for your platform (e.g. Unix Makefiles on Linux).

  • If you want to use a specific generator (run cmake --help for a list of available generators for your platform), use the -G option, e.g. cmake -G"NMake Makefiles" /path/to/Mantid.

  • If you want to set the build type (e.g. Release, Debug) you can run cmake with the -i option or by passing the argument -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebIfo to cmake. The default is Release.

  • Please note that the executable is called cmake3 on Red Hat 7 / CentOS7.

  • On Red Hat 7 / CentOS7 mantid uses devtoolset-7. This means that you need to wrap your initial cmake command as scl enable devtoolset-7 "cmake3 /path/to/source". Following build commands do not need this.

From the CMake gui

  • The cmake gui is available from, e.g., the Windows Program menu or the command line executable cmake-gui.

  • Start it and click the “Browse Source” button to point to /path/to/Mantid.

  • Click “Browse Build” and point to the directory you want to build into - it’s recommended that you create a new directory for this (see above), though it can be the same as the source directory.

  • Click “Configure” down near the bottom of the window.

  • A new window will appear asking which ‘Generator’ you want to use:

    • Linux/Mac developers should choose Ninja

    • Windows developers should choose Visual Studio 16 2019 and in the _Optional platform for generator_ box select x64. If you see errors related to HDF5 then you have most likely selected the wrong platform.

  • Wait a while….

  • You will be presented with a list of options in red that can in principle be changed. You probably don’t want to change anything.

  • Click “Configure” again and wait….

  • Finally, click “Generate”. This will create the build files, e.g. for a Visual Studio build there will be a Mantid.sln in the directory you selected as your build directory.

Data Files Location

Mantid used the CMake ExternalData system for managing testing data. See Data Files for Testing for further instructions.

With Qt Creator

Qt Creator has some really nice features (it’s cross-platform, you can directly open Qt Designer within it, you can highlight a Qt type and go directly to it’s help page, it knows about Qt types when debugging….). The nice feature in this context is that it has CMake support built in. So you can just open the project by pointing to the main CMakeLists file and then run CMake all within the IDE itself.

Building and working with CMake

Building from IDE:

  • Windows using Visual studio: Use the visual-studio.bat generated in the build directory to start the IDE. This sets up the environment correctly.

  • Otherwise start your IDE and point to or import the generated solution/project files

Command line: run make, nmake or jom to build the whole of Mantid (sub-targets are available - run make help to see them).

Working with CMake:

  • You should typically never have to run CMake manually again (unless you want to create a new, separate build) - it will be run automatically if one of the CMake input files changes.

  • It should be rare that you will need to edit the CMake build (CMakeLists.txt) files. The most common occurrence will be when you add a new file. This must be added to the corresponding CMakeLists file, e.g. if you add a file to Kernel, edit Mantid/Framework/Kernel/CMakeLists.txt to add the source, header and test files to the long lists of filepaths at the top of the file.

  • The class maker utility (Tools Overview) can edit the CMakeList.txt for you automatically

  • There are similar places in the Qt projects for ui files and files that need moc-ing.

  • If you add a new dependency, that will need to be added (this is less straightforward - do ask for help).

  • Cache variables can be added via the CMake Gui or by running ccmake.

Caveats and Known Issues

  • For Visual Studio & XCode, the libraries and executable are put into Mantid/bin/Release, Debug, etc.

  • There is a known issue with using source control with Eclipse on an out of source build. Set the cache variable ECLIPSE_CDT4_GENERATE_SOURCE_PROJECT to true and CMake will generate a set of ‘dummy’ project files within the source tree so that you can import that project and use it for source control actions.


  • Running unit test executables directly with the CMake-generated file will lead to a bunch of logging output to the console. You are encouraged to use CTest instead, which suppresses this output automatically. Otherwise, adding the line logging.channels.consoleChannel.class = NullChannel to your file will turn if off.

  • If you have more than one gcc and want to build with a version other than the default (e.g. on RedHat), setting CC & CXX environment variables is one way to make it so.

Build system customisation using CMake variables

The Mantid CMake build can be configured using several ENABLE_XXX variables, for instance ENABLE_DOCS, ENABLE_WORKBENCH and ENABLE_OPENGL A full list of these variables, with a description, can be viewed in the CMake GUI after the project has been configured.

Component builds of mantid can be performed using the MANTID_FRAMEWORK_LIB, MANTID_QT_LIB and ENABLE_WORKBENCH cmake variables. For instance, we can build just the framework element using,

cmake \
-GNinja \

and likewise a mantidqt only build with,

cmake \
-GNinja \

Specifying MANTID_FRAMEWORK_LIB=SYSTEM requires that we have installed the Framework and its cmake config files somewhere on the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. This will enable the framework to be found using find_package(MantidFramework).