Indirect Data Reduction Testing


Data reduction


  • Instrument IRIS

  • You need access to the ISIS data archive

Time required 2-5 minutes

  1. Open Interfaces > Indirect > Data reduction

  2. Make sure Instrument is set to IRIS

  3. Go to the ISIS calibration

  4. Enter Input Runs 26173

  5. Click Run

  6. This should generate a workspace with _calib at the end, delete this workspace

  7. Change the Scale by factor value to 0.5

  8. Click Run

  9. This should generate a workspace with _calib at the end

  10. Check the Create RES box

  11. Click Run

  12. This should generate a workspace with _res at the end

  13. In the Output options, select the _res workspace and click Plot Spectra. This should produce a spectrum plot.

  14. Then select the _calib workspace and use the down arrow to click Plot Bins. This should produce a bin plot.

  15. Enter Input Runs 55878-55879 and check Sum Files

  16. Click Run, this should produce a _calib workspace

  17. Make sure that you keep the _calib workspace, it is needed for the next test

  18. Enter Input Runs 59057-59059 and check Sum Files

  19. Set Reflection to 004

  20. This should produce a new _calib workspace, with 004 in the name.

  21. Before moving on, set Reflection to 002

Time required 5-10 minutes

  1. Open Interfaces > Indirect > Data reduction

  2. Make sure Instrument is set to IRIS

  3. Make sure the tab is set to ISIS Energy Transfer

  4. Check the Sum Files box

  5. In the Input Runs box enter 26184-26185

  6. Click Run

  7. Check the Use Calib File box

  8. Change File to Workspace and choose the _calib workspace previously created (55878 from the previous test)

  9. Click Run

  10. In the main GUI right-click on the iris26184_multi_graphite002_red workspace

  11. Choose Plot spectrum, note the number of spectra, should be 51

  12. Click Cancel

  13. In the Data reduction GUI, change the Detector Grouping to Groups

  14. Set Groups to 5

  15. Click Run

  16. In the main GUI right-click on the iris26184_multi_graphite002_red workspace

  17. Choose Plot spectrum, note the number of spectra, should be 6

  18. Choose Plot All, this should result in a plot of all 6 spectra

  19. Open Interfaces > Inelastic > Data Manipulation and go to the S(Q, W) tab

  20. Change File to Workspace and load the _red workspace just created

  21. Q-Low and Q-High should be automatically updated to the y axis range of the contour plot.

  22. E-Low and E-High should be automatically updated to the x axis range of the contour plot.

  23. Click Run. An _sqw workspace should be created.

  24. Check Rebin in energy

  25. Click Run

  26. Within the Output section, click the down arrow on the Plot Spectra button and then select Open Slice Viewer, this should open a slice viewer window.

  27. Click Manage User Directories and set the default save location

  28. Click Save Result

  29. Check that the .nxs file was created in the correct location